Thursday, February 03, 2011

A series of tubes

You guys...

The internets are running out. No, seriously. At least, internet addresses are going to be exhausted before the end of the year. This is according to a Wiki article I've partly glanced through before I got bamboozled by the jargons. Do you have any idea what this means?? The interwebs is going to implode! Interwebpocalypse! We've all been so busy preparing for all the other kinds of apocalypses (if you just got here: zombiepocalypse; land-capable sharkpocalypse; raptorpocalypse) that we've been taken completely unaware of this threat. How are we supposed to get to the emails? It's so much faster than snail mail, and involves less licking - I can't bear to go back to the paper age. And what about the facebooks? Will we be forced to start having real relationships in person? I won't have it. It's all these kids today using the technologies that has brought this upon us. This is the worst thing to happen since the Y2K, and surely you all remember it took us to come back from that disaster. We are one more step down the road to the machines taking over, and I for one do not want to be a battery.

Be afraid!

Akrobatik - Internet MCs