Thursday, October 22, 2009

Do lawyers have lawyers? Do landlords have landlords?

Twenty-first century things that are NOT VERBS: facebook, friend, google. And if you try to tell me that they are, I'll fight you.

Things that are tasty: [Last week] country-fried chicken with a hint of cayenne pepper, brown rice, steam vegetables, fried potatoes. [Now] pork loin and vegetable stir-fry (marinated with apples & applesauce*, hoisin, teriyaki and honey). [Later, maybe] Chocolate chip & coconut cookies. (Though I would like to say for the record that chocolate chips are possibly the work of Satan. It's the only explanation for chocolate that doesn't melt when you put it in an oven. And yet it does when it gets on your hands. Does that seem right to you?) Nom om om...

*Adapted my banana bread recipe to make a vegan loaf for a friend last week. Applesauce works as a substitute for eggs, see. I don't think I've ever eaten applesauce in my life, which is probably why I wandered the store like a little lost child trying to find it. Since most of it's left, figure I gotta find something to do with it.

Now playing: Metric - The List
via FoxyTunes

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