Monday, September 28, 2009

You think my life's a dream, I'm dreaming my life away

Where is the line that distinguishes between a dream and a nightmare? I suppose it's a relative thing depending on the individual. Many of mine I find to be rather strange and sometimes also a little frightening, but what's perhaps the most odd is the things that do and do not scare me. The other week I was starting off on a zombie craze - sparked by a discussion about what would happen if it was zombies versus vampires, then fueled by hearing about Zombie Squad going out to see Zombieland this Thursday - and I had a dream that the zombiepocalypse had come. One might think an army of the undead wanting to eat my brains would cause at least a little tossing and turning, but I slept like a baby. Didn't even work up a sweat, and I survived, for those keeping score at home. But then last night I had a dream I'd grown a neckbeard. It was this big, horrendous looking scraggly thing, and I had this sudden realization that it was there... living underneath my face, maybe trying to control my brain... definitely cause people to look at me, judge me, laugh at me. Now, I'm not one to get so hung up on what others think of my style, but beards are something I take very seriously. In a way I feel it defines something of what a man is all about. Furthermore, I'm terribly attached to mine; other than one minor shaving mishap that resulted in partially taking it off in order to even things out, I haven't seen my entire face since before puberty. It is thus that I've attained my untouchable status as the only surviving member of the beard clique. (Once you shave, you're out. Forever. Might as well be dead.) I woke up before things were resolved, but I do remember there was a frantic search for anything that would rid me of the monstrosity. Think I'll make sure I'm well stocked on shaving gel and razors, and keep a close eye on things for a while.

Now playing: Cut Copy - A Dream
via FoxyTunes

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