Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Please keep quiet and don't spoil the ending

I just watched The Search for Spock, and the question in my mind is: what's the big deal? This is what the trekkies are gettin all worked up about? I mean, sure, we get to watch Leonard Nimoy kicking out the jams. Sure, there's the whole William Shatner versus Christopher Lloyd (spoiler alert!) battle to the death. I for one am all about the celebrity versus celebrity battles in films, my personal favorite being the time when Bruce Lee KILLS Chuck Norris. And I did dig seeing that time-traveling, taxi-driving, toon-murdering bastardo get what's coming to him. (And ol' Billy gave him what for, too. If you haven't seen it yet and I ruined it for you... too bad. It's twenty-five years old. Get with it.) But on the whole I felt it a waste. An angry planet as a plot device? Please.

Now playing: The Aquabats - Stuck in a Movie
via FoxyTunes

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