Friday, March 26, 2010

The correct answer is TIME MACHINE

I sure do wish I had bit more wiggle room in my schedule this weekend.

Thing 1 that I'd like to check out is City Sound Tracks, this music festival event type jobber being hosted by... Trailnet? Metro? Alls I knows is, BANDS are playing, soma which I LIKE, half of it is in my NEIGHBORHOOD, and I'm BUSY for most of the day. Drat. Maybe I'll wander over and check it out, thought, since I could literally (okay, practically) fall out of bed and land in front of one of the stages. Who knows, might find something good.

Thing A is People's Settlement: Stand Up! Stand Together!, this ongoing protest dealy happening downtown. From what I can tell the event is kind of anti-everything. By which I mean there are a selection of groups involved speaking out on a wide variety of issues, so anyone with any sort of interest in political action and change can most likely find something they agree with. I sure hope they're not actually anti-everything, cause that gets real old pretty quick. Still, nice to see folks being passionate about something. Don't get enough of that these days.

The Juan Maclean - No Time

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