Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Space tourist

Janelle Monáe is steppin out. The closest she comes to the Lou is is Chicago. How come they get two shows? Lucky sons a guns... Sure wish I could make a run up there to see her do her thing. I didn't get this before from listening to her, but watching this video I suddenly feel like I'm looking at something put out by Outkast. And I like it. Girl's got moves. Crazy moves. That reverse Moonwalk thing? Yes.

03.15.2010,The Black Cat,Washington DC
03.17.2010, Johnny Brenda's, Philadelphia, PA
03.18.2010, Johnny Brenda's, Philadelphia, PA
03.21.2010, Cafe Du Nord, San Francisco, CA
03.22.2010, Cafe Du Nord, San Francisco, CA
03.23.2010, Viper Room, West Hollywood, CA
03.24.2010, Viper Room, West Hollywood, CA
03.29.2010, Schuba's Tavern, Chicago,IL
03.30.2010, Schuba's Tavern, Chicago, IL
03.31.2010, Varsity Theater, Minneapolis, MN
04.02.2010, St. Andrew's Hall, Detroit, MI
04.05.2010, Smith, Atlanta, GA
04.06.2010, Smith, Atlanta, GA
04.09.2010, Joe's Pub, NY, NY
04.10.2010, Joe's Pub, NY, NY


Justine Urbikas said...

major awesome. the shows here are a Monday and Tuesday and just aren't going to work for me. pphhbbt. otherwise I'd get some people to go. :(

Marcus said...

That is indeed unfortunate. If they were on a weekend this might be a different story.