Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Try to freeze time, try to freeze time for your mind

I used to think that "time machine" was the answer to everything. Well, everything involving the question of time, at least. Things involving the question of space were another issue, for which I had another answer at the ready: "instantaneous teleportation device". As soon I managed to get those two babies up and running, whew boy, I'd be unstoppable. I would only use this technology for the purpose of good... er... good for me. But then, one simply drawn yet confusing web comic later, my world came crashing down.

That's the bad news. The good news is, a webcomic for cynics! I am in heaven.

Update: The morning after I wrote this, I walked into work to find someone's new book for a little light reading was The Time Machine by H. G. Wells. I nearly flipped my grits when I saw it, innocuously sitting on the desk like it wasn't up to something, when I know darn well the universe is having fun with me.

Also, after further reflection on this comic, I realized that not only has the character killed himself, he's done so without causing the usual paradox because he has killed his future self. That is just messed up (yet also genius!) in a way I don't want to wrap my brain around.

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